Parent Information
School Bell Schedule

Supervision is provided outdoors until 3:00 pm
Absentee Check and Parent Contact Information
Parents are encouraged to contact the school if their child/children will be absent or late for school. The school phone number is (780) 987-5730. If it is before 8:00 a.m. there will be an answering machine for you to leave a message. Please include the name of your child, the reason for their absence and their teacher. Information provided on the Holy Spirit Catholic School Registration Form is used in tracking a child who is absent from school in the event we are not contacted. It is extremely important for the safety of your child that the school is notified of any change in telephone numbers or email addresses at home or at work. It is also important that we have an emergency contact number in case we cannot contact a parent or guardian.
Appropriate Use of Internet
Students are required to have parental permission before being able to access the Internet and must sign an agreement indicating that they will use the Internet appropriately. These agreements must be updated yearly for every student. Student use of the Internet is supervised at all times.
Cold Weather
Recess is important to children in that it provides a break from regular school routine, a chance to get some fresh air, and an opportunity to run off excess energy. However, an indoor, supervised recess break will occur when the temperature, combined with wind chill is below -20℃. When students arrive for school and the weather is below -20℃, we will instruct students to go directly in their entrance. We use Weather Network - Devon to determine current temperature.
In the event of extreme weather conditions, announcements of bus cancellations will be made on various radio stations and on the ECSSD Website as well as Parkland School Division Bus Schedules When weather or road conditions deteriorate during the school day, a decision mandating the early dismissal of bus students may be made (by the department of transportation and the Superintendent of Evergreen CSSD) and broadcast on all the designated radio stations. Please ensure
an alternate contact for your child is listed in our office record system. If buses leave early, we will need to get in touch with you or an alternate to ensure that your child will have someone waiting for them when they get off the bus. Your child’s safety is our first concern.
In the event of extreme weather conditions, announcements of bus cancellations will be made on various radio stations and on the ECSSD Website as well as Parkland School Division Bus Schedules When weather or road conditions deteriorate during the school day, a decision mandating the early dismissal of bus students may be made (by the department of transportation and the Superintendent of Evergreen CSSD) and broadcast on all the designated radio stations. Please ensure
an alternate contact for your child is listed in our office record system. If buses leave early, we will need to get in touch with you or an alternate to ensure that your child will have someone waiting for them when they get off the bus. Your child’s safety is our first concern.
Parent Etiquette & Concerns
We believe that effective problem solving occurs when those most directly affected by a problem situation are involved in its resolution. Consequently, we request that the following protocol be followed in addressing parental concerns:
● Discuss the situation with the teacher or staff member.
● If a situation cannot be resolved at that level, discuss your concern with the administrative team – principal and/or assistant principal.
● Concerns that are of a general school nature should be discussed with the administration of the school.
● Discuss the situation with the teacher or staff member.
● If a situation cannot be resolved at that level, discuss your concern with the administrative team – principal and/or assistant principal.
● Concerns that are of a general school nature should be discussed with the administration of the school.
Health and Safety of Students / Medication
Health and Safety of Students:
First aid is administered to any child experiencing an injury at school. If the injury is a minor scratch or bump, first aid is administered (contact with home will depend on the situation). If the injury or illness is more than a minor one, the student’s parents are notified by phone. It is therefore extremely important that you provide the school office with current home and emergency telephone numbers.
The administration of medication is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian. In special circumstances when a student must take medication during school hours, school staff will assist. Given the young age of some of our students, it is not a safe practice for students to administer medication to themselves. The following guidelines and procedures are required.
● A signed request of AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION from the parent indicating the type of medication to be administered, required dosage and action to be taken in the event of possible hazards or side effects should be given to the office staff.
● Discuss the medication and administration with your child’s teacher.
● A medication file on your child will be kept in the office.
Normally children who are too ill to go outside for recess are encouraged to remain at home. This is particularly true in the case of severe colds or flu. Children who come to school with severe colds or high fevers are unable to function well in class and often provide a source of infection for other children.
First aid is administered to any child experiencing an injury at school. If the injury is a minor scratch or bump, first aid is administered (contact with home will depend on the situation). If the injury or illness is more than a minor one, the student’s parents are notified by phone. It is therefore extremely important that you provide the school office with current home and emergency telephone numbers.
The administration of medication is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian. In special circumstances when a student must take medication during school hours, school staff will assist. Given the young age of some of our students, it is not a safe practice for students to administer medication to themselves. The following guidelines and procedures are required.
● A signed request of AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION from the parent indicating the type of medication to be administered, required dosage and action to be taken in the event of possible hazards or side effects should be given to the office staff.
● Discuss the medication and administration with your child’s teacher.
● A medication file on your child will be kept in the office.
Normally children who are too ill to go outside for recess are encouraged to remain at home. This is particularly true in the case of severe colds or flu. Children who come to school with severe colds or high fevers are unable to function well in class and often provide a source of infection for other children.
Allergy Awareness
Holy Spirit is an allergy safe or allergy aware environment rather than an allergy “free” environment. The management of students at risk of life-threatening allergies is a shared responsibility among the student, parents, and school staff. We recognize the dangers faced by students and staff with severe reactions to certain allergens. We can not guarantee an allergen-free environment, but will take reasonable steps to ensure a safe environment for students with life-threatening allergies, further to the goal of maintaining an appropriate learning environment for all students.
School Supplies
School Supplies are provided by Teachers for students in Kindergarten through Gr 6. This comes with a flat fee of $65 for the school year which will be invoiced in September with payment to follow upon invoice receipt.
Students in Gr 7 through Gr 9 will be expected to bring supplies following this list:
Athletics Info & Forms
Holy Spirit School is the proud home of the Flyers! We participate in many activities including, Golf, Cross Country Running, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Floor Hockey etc.
Holy Spirit Athletics Handbook 2024
Holy Spirit Athletics Handbook 2024